from Tokyo Station to Haneda Airport by Keikyu Bus

CompanyKeikyu Bus
Departure - ArrivalTokyo Station - Haneda Airport
Time50 minutes ( Timetable )
Price930 JPY
Luggage Allowance

If you arrive at Haneda airport, not at Narita, think about using KEIKYU BUS as a shuttle bus service to Tokyo area from Haneda.
Besides that, KEIKYU BUS has a wide variety of routes from Haneda to popluar sightseeing spots such as Fuji-Q Highland, Tokyo Skytree, Hakone, and Kamakura.

Keikyu Bus

If you arrive at Haneda airport, not at Narita, think about using KEIKYU BUS as a shuttle bus service to Tokyo area from Haneda.
Besides that, KEIKYU BUS has a wide variety of routes from Haneda to popluar sightseeing spots such as Fuji-Q Highland, Tokyo Skytree, Hakone, and Kamakura.